Saturday, January 24, 2009

Inspired but Clueless?

First of all, I’d like to thank Omegamom for pointing a few folks my way. As those of you who read her blog know, I married well.

Thanks also to D2 who reminded me that many of us have travelled different paths to come to this place in American history. I’m glad you’re here.

PreTzel and Ablecutegem made me think that although many of us are currently inspired by Barack Obama and the challenges that he has presented to us, quite a few folks aren’t sure about what they can do. I am a firm believer that even the smallest of actions can change the world and grace is where you find it. So instead of continuing on my current rant which includes a fair deal of bitching, groaning and finger-waggling, I’m going to keep things on a more positive note tonight.

So for those people out there who can’t seem to think of what they could do to improve the lot of America and the World, I offer a list of suggestions. It’s not a top-ten list because I haven’t rated things in any sort of ordered fashion, and although there are 12 of them, it’s far from a 12-step program to build better Americans. However, I do think that twelve steps in any one of these directions would get us off on a good foot….

So here’s my list of things that I think any of us could do to improve the lot of all of us:

•There's a light on somewhere in your house right now. Turn it off.

•Next time you're in the market and you see the produce manager stacking tomatoes, say 'Good Morning' or 'Good Afternoon', ask him how he's been, give him a smile, enjoy some idle chit-chatter.

•And when you're done, ask him if the tomatoes were locally grown. If not, could he get some? How 'bout some cucumbers? Scallions? Ooh... lettuce would be lovely.

•To hell with Victory Gardens. Grow a Peace Garden. Plant twice as much as you need. Donate the excess to your local women's shelter.

•Call your local senator's office and ask to speak to a senior staffer or aide, then ask them if they what country Darfur is in. If they can't answer, hang up the phone, print out a map from the web, drive to down to their office, and shake the map in their face. Raising a little hell can raise a lot of awareness. (Those of you who just googled Darfur have made a step in the right direction.)

•Next time you hear someone rail against immigration, remind them that immigrants aren't taking our jobs... they're doing the jobs that our parents or grand-parents or great-grand-parents did.

•Make a list of your ten closest friends. How many of them have the same skin color as you do? Think about that number. Think about what it means.

•Find someone who's wildly passionate about something... it could be saving whales or saving box tops, it doesn't matter what. Spend some time with that person. Way back when there was something that you were passionate about, something that you've almost forgotten... but see, you haven't forgotten, have you? Let that person's passion fuel your own.

•Go to a mosque or a synagogue or a temple... any house of worship that's different than the one you were raised in. Spend some time there. Look for things that are familiar. Listen for words that you've heard before. Search for commonalities. You don’t have to convert. But please remember that they don’t have to either.

•Check out your local public school's music program. Ask if hip-hop is on the curriculum. Remember when you dreaded music class but dreamed of Rock and Roll? Now, don't get so caught up in the poetry of your past that you ignore the poetry of our children's present.

•Go out and get to know all of your neighbors, then ask them to go out and get to know all their neighbors. Make a ripple go across America.

•Stop saying "Yes, we can." Start saying "Yes, I am."


preTzel said...

I like your list. I would add:

Volunteer. Get off your duff, turn the television off and start volunteering for programs that are lacking in volunteers. Big Brother, Big Sister and many others are in desperate need.


D2 said...

OmegaMom married well it seems.

Let's add "if you disagree with a person, try to understand them instead of just telling them they are wrong"

Anonymous said...

Agree with D2 - OmegaMom done damn well.

JoAnn in NJ said...

Hi Omega Dad,
I like your blog, you are witty and insightful.

I like your list of things to do/not do. I agree with preTzel (as I work in nonprofit devoted to service!)

OmegaMom and Dad both married great people. Omega Dotter is one fortunate Chica!

Kirstin said...

Great post! I'm bookmarking this.

(another friend of OmegaMom's)